Open Farm Grain-Free Homestead Turkey & Chicken is a high-quality dog food featuring humanely raised turkey and chicken as the primary ingredients. This grain-free recipe is perfect for dogs with sensitivities, delivering a delicious and protein-packed meal that supports overall health and well-being. A thoughtful and ethical choice for your pet’s diet.
Open Farm Grain Free Homestead Turkey & Chicken Dry Dog Food is high in protein and provides a source of prebiotic fibers to support healthy digestion. This wholesome kibble is a nutrient-dense source of energy, thanks to a careful blend of humanely raised turkey and chicken, plus non-GMO fruits, veggies and superfoods.
- Nutrient-dense dry kibble
- Scoop and pour for a complete meal
- Humanely raised, free-to-roam turkey & chicken
- Antibiotic, hormone, and steroid-free
- Non-GMO fruits & vegetables
- 100% traceable ingredients from certified family farms
Available in 4 lb and 22 lb bags.
*Please note; we do not ship large bags of food.